Thursday, November 11, 2010

Final Presentation Review

First of all, I would like to thank Paola, our tutor, for all her help, guidance and advance, and also being so patient with us all! I also thank my fellow 9 sights colleagues, we wouldn't have made it without the support from each other, and all the fun we had in class. I also thank my family and friends, and my partner for supporting me all the way!

Overall I am quite happy with my final year project, and also my progress throughout the whole year. I think the whole studio has shown a clear progression from understanding precedents, then an initial theoretical stage to conception to the final end product.

The comments and feedback that I got were very positive and constructive. I have taken note of a few things that could have improved my design. I totally agree that the design would be a lot better if there are cars being exhibited on the ground level public domain. The public corridor spaces at the moment are very empty and very big and does not really work because they would just be dead spaces if nobody goes there. It was said that it however, would not be a problem if the museum is located somewhere else with a larger population, perhaps in the city center. While I was designing the ground level plan, I have decided on the corridor spaces to be wide enough for cars to pass through, however I don't know why I have not exhibited any cars on the lower level in the end.

Other than that the jury panel was happy with what I have produced and thought I showed good progress from week 7 till now.

Guest Juries: Richard Johnson and Katrina Simons

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